how many times do we have to go back and forth until we can go forward on this road that's straite..... we twist and turn ....we have broken the lines so the drive in our love is not safe..... my inner thinking has led me to internal conflict that I intently continue to chase...... you have a pot of boiling steam stemming from the voice that is so deep with rage that you consciously vase.... but what if that vase breaks..... I wonder what type of food for the mind did the wrath make..... beef boiling between us creates a situation that is high in stakes....... who will make a move first pettiness becomes involved...... until one day we see that pettiness has evolved into a man I can't stand her..... girl I hate him.....I regret the day that I told him I would date em...... every time you call I go here she is again....I don't have time to begin this shit so I'll just press end...... now I'm sitting here asking myself questions that I should have asked you in the beginning of our problem that cannot be solved...... and its eating me alive in my mind because my actions that i dished turned out to be raw...... both of us in an attempt to paint a perfect scene ended up missing the big picture......if all these words stated in this body of work were labored into the mind maybe we could work It out...... but we can't because our lives were actions with no sound....actions speak louder than words.......but no words at all creates an action that is so proud that it won't even answer to the law of the land.....so i ask you.......... is silence really a virtue?
Silence truly is a virtue kid brother. Though, it is not the only virtue. in anything in life balance is the key! it's not easy to walk a thin line with one arm... So think of your left arm as silence and in that left hand holds patience... but your right arm must bare persistence and in that hand compassion! that's what balances the heart! Yes, silence is a virtue kid brother... but alone it's not much!
ReplyDeletei love the blog... you keep writing, i'll keep commenting lol!