I've seen this road so many times before.... the ladder that was presented for me to walk up was floored..... there I was on the floor on the forefront of greatness....and in the back of my mind it was stored....somthing that I couldn't quite put a name to.....but not ordinary like john doe....it was a life that I was already ordained to.....it was sort of like a kid who family buisness is a fortune 500......but my family was fortunate enough to have at least a hundred..... dreams stuctured on a high rise so what i build could get me far......shoot I see the stars in the tv screen....so I make these wishes that go God make me large....cause all I wanna do is touch the sky and be a star....at least 10 feet off the ground i will get that far....I know it's not that hard..... I just want to get my point across to the world so I can pass it to the right drive that will steer me..... but clearly.....everybody else doesn't want me to put on a pair of tires and travel down this road to make my future higher..... cops want to cell me up........wrap me behind the bars.......... so I can rap bars.........every guards in the jail favorite imprisoned rap star...... so they can rap to me....."when you get out you'll get that far until you commit another crime I know it aint that hard"....... another quota for there qoute that goes "back again...I knew you would be"...... the girlfriend tries to tie me up with an emotional connection that unplugs me from my profession...... her touch her words her love .......mean nothing to the degree....of me tyring to get a degree......we go to different schools....I'm outta of the state and she's in LA UC and the fact that she doesn't see me......she wants me at a CC..... she says if I leave my face you will never see..... I say I see a better future for us that's lifts us over the sea...and she told me "well you can see all that but you can't see me......I dnt kno why you go to school you'll never get that far.....frontin like it aint that hard".......so here I am broken dreams because I will never get that far..........and to go back to the hood isn't that hard.....I mean honestly I'm acting like i can get that car......and I see that my girlfreind hasn't gotten that far........and the cops on my block isn't that far.......a distance not to short like that cloud from that star.........but my pops say that I'm looking at it with the wrong sight.......its farther than what I see but its closer than what I think.......which means I'm closer to fulfilling what people see about me because I'm farther from my dream cause I listen to what they think
signed john doe a.k.a the average brother in america