when i was up in my apartment no food no rent
and i had no cash only dreams to spend
i knew my roomates couldnt stand me
i felt like a kid rocking hand me downs knowing one day stacks of bills they would hand me
but they aint fan me
so i was hot at the world ,my girl ,and everyone in my family
they was like oh we miss him....but i had no relief like a katrina victim
so i promised to myself i would katrina stick them
cause it was forget me forget him we will let fema get him
but what didnt kill me made me stronger
longing for a shot just made my time longer
till it came out the barrell of the burner
i became a gunner with a go get attitude....a runner
no vacations in the summer
cause to vacate the only thing that i had which was college
showed no solution so i had a problem
and niggas tried to hammer me with words so like nails i said screw em
imma treat em like nike airs and just do em
so while they was limping like isaiah
i was the only knick in the game that was ewing